around adv. 1.周围,四面。 2.〔美口〕各处,四处。 3.左近,在附近。 4. 围着,环绕。 5. 向相反方向。 6. 循环重现;旋转。 7. 恢复知觉。 8. 活跃着。 9. 到(谈话双方都熟悉的)某地。 Trauel around from place to place 周游。 look around 环视,四顾。 sit around a table 围着桌子坐。 a car circling around 一辆在兜着圈子的车。 Will you please wait around for me 请在附近等我好吗? Turn around! You're going the wrong way. 转回来,你走错路了! The column measures two feet around. 这根柱子周长2英尺。 She hasn't been around lately. 她最近不活跃了。 He came around to see me. 他到这里来看我。 bring sb. around 使某人恢复知觉。 all around 四处,到处;全面地 (shook hands all around 一一握手)。 all the year around 整年 (mild all the year around 一年四季都很温暖)。 be around 〔美口〕起床;走动 (He's up and around now. 他起来走动了)。 fool around 〔口语〕吊儿郎当。 hang around 在附近徘徊。 have been around (a lot) 〔口语〕见识(很)多;世故(很)深。 the other way around 〔美国〕从相反方向;用相反方式。 1.在周围,围着;绕过。 2.〔美口〕在近处,在附近;前后,左右,差不多。 3.〔美口〕到处。 4.在那边。 5.朝着各个方向。 6.在(某人)身边。 around here 在这边。 around the corner 〔美国〕在拐角那里(= 〔英国〕 round the corner)。 roam around the country 漫游全国。 stay around the house 总不离家。 around four o'clock 四点前后。 travel around the world 作环球旅行。 leave the books around the house 在房子里到处乱丢书。 the few men around the despot 暴君身边寥寥可数的几个人。 get around 绕过(障碍),解决(困难),回避(事实)。
You will not tolerate being bossed around [ 1 ] by your mate 你不能容忍被你的配偶颐指气使。
You are the best - dressed boss around 您是这里穿的最有型的主管。
You ' re the best - dressed boss around 您是这里穿得最有型的主管。
You ' re the best - dressed boss around 您是这里穿得最趴的主管。
Did you just boss around the unborn 还没出生就教规矩?
Is your boss around at the moment 你的老板现在在吗?
He got toward the end of the street and saw a couple outside gardening . " who ' s the boss around here ? " he asked 他走到街尾,看到一对夫妇正在自己的花园中耕作。他问道: “你们家谁说了算? ”
Royal governors came to plunder but found that american planters and merchants could not easily be bossed around 英国总督本想在此大肆掠夺一番,却发现这里的种植园主和商贾并没有那么容易就被人牵着鼻子走。
Daily reminders suggest to recipients that they ' re being bossed around , and that ' s not the best way to manage people , and certainly no way to treat casual contacts 每天提醒会让接收者觉得他是在被你控制,这不是最佳的管理人的方式,当然更不能用这种方式来对待偶然碰到的联系人。
Zhuge liang in sichuan suchuan period , the main dependence the subordinate which brings from jing zhou , simultaneously pays attention bosses around the original liu jade tablet subordinate and the profit state powerful bullies 诸葛亮在川期间,主要依靠从荆州带来的旧属,同时注意笼络原来刘璋部下和益州豪强大族。